
Hey! I'm a software engineer leading a dashboard rewrite at Kroger

I'm on a team that is rewriting different aspects of Kroger's Production Department, i.e. the Bakery, Deli, Meat, Seafood, Chicken departments. My job is to migrate the existing Production web dashboard (an app to view and edit which departments, divisions, and stores are making which products) from AngularJS to Angular 9. I'm hired as a contractor from Insight


At Kroger, I've done everything from React Native, to Android, to Angular. Currently, I'm working in Angular 9 and doing some React mentoring within Insight.

Stakeholders and Architects

I work closely with our assigned Architect - meeting with him weekly to review and demo work completed. I've also demo'ed features to various stakeholders and managers

Completely Agile

The department I'm in is fully agile, meaning I'm quite familiar with all sprint ceremonies. I'm a master at stand-ups, and I've become pretty good at estimating!

Development Leadership

I try my best to keep code as clean and simple as possible. I also work as a mentor for new developers and lead Insight's Front-End Guild.

I built applications for start-ups and worked with some wonderful people ❤️

I really enjoyed my time at Future Wonder! I was part of a small but close-knit team. We mainly worked with start-ups from around the country, taking thier idea or half finished app and turning it into something they could go out and sell. At Future Wonder, I learned a lot about myself, development, running a business, and how to consult.

Fast Pace

Most of our clients had small budgets and large expectations - some even had paying clients - so I was expected to do things right the first time. As the sole developer on some projects, it was kind of thrilling.


I met often with the clients to figure out exactly what they wanted and discuss how we could make that work. I also walked them through the work I had completed to get their feedback.

Creative Mindset

Because some clients had small budgets, we couldn't create spikes or spend long days brainstorming multiple solutions. Features needed to get done, and that meant working effectively and creatively.


Eventually I became one of the more senior consultants and thus had the opportunity to mentor junior developers, meet with potential clients, create estimates, and lead teams.

Other cool stuff I'm trying (or tried)

I worked on a dashboard restyle for Periodic (2018 - 2019)

At Periodic I was a part-time contractor, where I helped add new features to the core web app and addressed issues in their scheduling application. I mostly worked in CoffeeScript, AngularJS and Node. Oh, and I also built a wordpress plugin for them as well.


A Personal Task Management Site

This is essentially a ToDo app, BUT I'm trying something a little different with it:

1. I put in the tasks that I need to get done along with the weather and the app will tell me when to do them. Based on the weather, my prefences for each timeslot (only quiet tasks after 8pm), estimated time for each task and priority level, 9192 will layout when I should work on each task, without me even having to think about it! 🙃

2. It's a typescript node app with server side rendered html. I was on a big "React EVERYTHING" kick for a year or two but that isn't terribly sustainable, so I'm doing this one as a server side rendered app - trying to keep it super simple and light.

The Very Site You're On!

I love the internet, so I had to have my own piece of it!

I built this site by hand using Laravel to serve the html. I know I could just serve the static files with netlify or something, but I'm hoping to do some other things with the site down the road. Just keeping my options open, plus I really enjoy laravel.

Practicing with LeetCode

Most of my programming experience is in building things (web apps, mobile apps, command line apps, etc) and not some much in solving coding problems. So, I'm trying to brush up on my coding test skills and learn more about optimizing code!

Brief Timeline

2019 - Present

Senior Software Engineer


2018 - 2019

2017 - 2019

Fullstack Engineer

2017 - 2018

Teaching Assistant


QA / JS Developer